The Vivacity of a marketplace increases as shoppers take over during the festive season. And more than ever before, it has become a customers’ ritual to spend thousands on the latest trends and shop with big brands. However, as the footfall goes higher, the chances of a brand multiplying its value also increase.
But what businesses lack is the guile to understand the post-purchase customer journey, which could help reap significant rewards. Also, while most businesses certainly agree that retaining customers results in more engagement, increased sales and better reviews, understanding how it's done can be a challenging task.
"Notably, after the sale is made, a digital bill or receipt is the only thing a buyer leaves your store with. However, it often ends up in a trash bin, misplaced or sometimes not even collected at the time of sales"
It is here that e-receipts enter the frame, and present numerous ways to make the post-purchase customer experience worthy. In a gist, right from the time a customer purchases a product and returns to buy another, e-receipts continues to engage your potential buyer.
Going digital opens up a new horizon of possibilities for both consumers and retailers alike.
However, a static receipt still might not solve your problem, and here is how you can make it dynamic or smart and indulge your customers in a treat, driving them to achieve your organisational objectives.
- Loyalty and promotion campaigns: Loyalty towards a brand is a game-changer. And in a businesses’ ode to outperform its competitors, it is important that retailers track their customer’s preference and send over relevant offers along with smart receipts. The activity helps draw buyers over and over again. Notably, your customers have chosen you because you sell them what they want and that too at a good bargain.
- Customer service: Creating a backchannel of faith in the physical world can also help retain customers. During the festive season, for instance, Diwali, when the demand for certain commodities goes higher, there is a greater possibility of an uncertain shortcoming, which if not resolved, can result in irreversibly damaging the brand’s value. It is then that your e-receipt, with relevant information regarding who and how to complain, comes in handy. Arguably, the same set of instructions might also be printed on a physical receipt, but retaining it in pristine condition could be a challenging task.
- Interactive Feedback: The bandwidth of any business can be measured using its previous customer reviews and feedback. To implement the same in the physical world, the smart receipt sent over to the customer can have a net promoter score attached to it. The purpose of tagging such a service is that the customer can interact with the receipt and give his/her feedback right away, adding a leg to the post-purchase satisfaction.
- Faster checkout and sustainability: Receipts on the go are a perfect way to close your sale at that moment. Delivering a receipt quickly over email creates a sense that you have moved ahead with time and are rightly concerned about safeguarding the environment while letting the customers know you are happy to interact further.
In a world where consumers are king, it is businesses’ responsibility to create post-purchase customer journeys free from flaws, especially if they want to enjoy festivities even after the season passes by. Knowingly, the holiday season demands more work than the rest of the year, but this little push alongside smart solutions is what your business surely won’t want to let go of.